the moisture relieves your skin.
the fragrance relieves your heart.



For you to enjoy being a woman at any moment, your whole life
Address your concern about

“odor”, “dullness” and “dryness”
with this oil caring for the intimate area


Free yourself from your concerns about the intimate area,
and get a radiant, firm and healthy skin.
Skincare of the intimate zone is a habit overseas
but still not very familiar in Japan,
with only very few domestic products.
There, for Tant TRUX to fit the skin of Japanese
29 types of 100% natural oils were
carefully selected for their texture and fragrance.
Here is a skincare oil
MADE IN JAPAN for the intimate area.



Skincare addressing simultaneously the 3 concerns many Japanese women
have about the intimate area.

  • APPROACH 1Treating dryness peculiar
    to women

    女性特有の ムレをケア女性特有の ムレをケア
  • APPROACH 2Treating dullness coming
    from external irritation

    外的刺激が原因による くすみ*をケア外的刺激が原因による くすみ*をケア
  • APPROACH 3Treating itching due
    to stress

    ストレスが原因による かゆみをケアストレスが原因による かゆみをケア



Help the intimate zone to retrieve a healthy harmony,with “Marula Oil” extracted from “God’s Tree”.
A formula of 29 natural oils carefully selected
for their texture and fragrance to fit Japanese skin.

Hydrating the intimate area,
with a pleasant scent both for the mind and body,
Tant TRUX.
Its secret is the carefully selected 29 types, including Marula oil, of organic oils, and to the taste of Japanese people, the scent of natural pheromone aroma attuning the mind.


Known as God’s Tree born from the vast land of South Africa,
“Marula”, a natural oil extracted from its fruit

The oil extracted from the fruit of Marula tree originating from South Africa is known as “God’s Tree”, and treasured as a highly moisturizing beauty oil since ancient times. It is a miraculous natural oil that contains the essential fatty acids omega-3, omega-6 with promising effects for a firm and moisturized skin.


With Tant RUX
free yourself from your concerns about 
your intimate area,
for a radiant, firm and healthy skin.
Daily care and intensive treatment in just 1 bottle.

The fragrance of natural aroma
for a relaxing moment

The condition of the intimate area affects our daily condition. The gentle fragrance of natural aroma provides a soothing sensation.


Relieve from irritation, worries and confused mind

  • イランイランIran Iran
  • テンジクアオイPelargonium
  • フランキンセンスFrankincense

For concerns peculiar to women Soothe the frustration and bring peace to the mind.

  • ベルガモットBergamot
  • マジョラムMarjoram
  • マンダリンMandarin

For concerns peculiar to women

  • パチョリPatchouli

With Tant RUX
free yourself from your concerns about your intimate area,
for a radiant, firm and healthy skin
Daily care and intensive treatment in just 1 bottle.


Daily care and intensive treatment
in just 1 bottle

  • DAILY《Every day》
    Daily Care


    Self-massage the intimate area
    to condition and moisturize your skin.

    【How to take care】Take an appropriate amount on your fingers, and smooth thoroughly. Afterwards, massage in a circular motion, to keep your skin soft. Recommended after bathing.

  • SPECIAL《Twice a week》
    Intensive Treatment Care


    We recommend you to use it as a special treatment to yourself once or twice a week.

    【How to take care】Soak a cotton with a generous amount of oil and apply it as a “patch”. With an oil patch of about 5 minutes, the skin is moisturized for a light and soft feeling.


How often should
I use it?
We recommend a daily use after bathing or showering.
May I use it on parts of the body other than the intimate area?
You can use it everywhere on your body. It is a 100 % high-quality natural oil you can use on dry surfaces you want to treat, like your knees and elbows, and also for your hair.
I would like to know your recommended way to use it.
We would recommend to use it after bathing for instance, with a cotton soaked with a generous amount of oil as a “patch”, as it will help in softening the skin.


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